Maybe Later

Introduction to The Radiology Review Journal

Introduction to The Radiology Review Journal

The mission of The Radiology Review Journal (RRJ) is to provide original, free access writings from emerging and current thought leaders in the medical imaging community to educate, inform, and inspire.  

The RRJ does not publish hypothesis-driven research or radiology case reports and will not be assigned a DOI number or be submitted to PubMed.  Articles contained in the RRJ are not peer-reviewed science and reflect only the opinion of the author(s) of each article.  Articles on the RRJ are not sponsored by any private or public entity; all articles are courtesy of the author(s) and freely available to RRJ readers.  Authors will be asked to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and industry relationships that are relevant to the specific topic of an article, and these will be included with each article. 

Most current CVs include online publications in recognition of the increasing importance of online publishing in today’s society. Contribution to The Radiology Review Journal may therefore be considered for inclusion on your CV as a non-peer reviewed publication.

Do you want to contribute to The Radiology Review Journal?

The article submission process is simple: email your proposed article to  Include with your article your name and professional affiliation.  Your best writing is welcome with no specific word limit or formatting requirements. If presenting material wherein references are appropriate, or websites are discussed, please provide a reference section at the end of the article in any reasonable format.  Submission of every article is appreciated but submission does not guarantee publication. 

A non-inclusive list of areas of interest for The Radiology Review Journal include:

-Your recommendations for future test takers on how to better study for radiology board exams.

-Your radiology book review. Tell us what you think about a currently available radiology book.

-Personal essays on why you chose to become a radiologist

-Your ideas on how to succeed as a medical student, radiology resident, radiology fellow, or practicing radiologist.

-Your opinion on the future of radiology.

-Interesting non-radiology endeavors from current and future radiologists. What are you doing outside of the reading room that is unique or interesting?

-Your advice on pursing non-traditional careers in radiology.

Let the writing begin! 

Send your your written article, or receive feedback on your proposed article idea prior to writing, to  

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Bodybuilding and Building a Personal Brand: Lessons from a Radiology Resident